

In Obsidian, with the help of the Linter plugin, after deleting an item in an ordered list, the numbering of the subsequent items is automatically synchronized and adjusted.

It started like this#

  1. This is item one
  2. This is item two
  3. This is item three
  4. This is item four

After deleting the middle item, it defaults to this#

  1. This is item one
  2. This is item three
  3. This is item four

After formatting with the Linter plugin, it looks like this#

  1. This is item one
  2. This is item three
  3. This is item four

Places to set in the Linter plugin#

  • In the fifth setting option content
  • Find the Ordered List Style option
  • Check to open Makes sure that ordered lists follow the style specified. Note: that 2 spaces or 1 tab is considered to be an indentation level.


  • Reset the shortcut key Ctrl+S
  • Use Lint the current file instead of the default save current file
  • This way, you only need to press the shortcut key Ctrl+S to save the current file and automatically adjust the ordered list numbers
  • photo by Philip Oroni(https://unsplash.com/@philipsfuture?utm_source=templater_proxy&utm_medium=referral&fit=crop&mask=corners) on Unsplash
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