If you want to download from the Obsidian Chinese Forum notification release column#
- For Android systems, you can download the mobile version, such as Obsidian.1.5.12.apk
- For 64-bit versions of Windows 8 and above, you can download the corresponding Windows installation package, such as Obsidian.1.5.12.exe
- For 32-bit versions of Windows 8 and above, you can download the corresponding Win32-bit installation package, such as Obsidian.1.5.12-32.exe
- For 64-bit ARM architecture CPUs on Windows 8 and above, you can download the corresponding WinARM64 installation package, such as Obsidian.1.5.12-arm64.exe
- For Apple computer systems, you can download the corresponding macOS installation package, such as Obsidian.1.5.12-universal.dmg
- Note: Windows 7 systems may encounter errors when installing higher versions of Obsidian, but there is still a solution
If you can download Obsidian from Github#
- For Tsinghua UOS systems, you can download Obsidian-1.5.12.AppImage
- For 64-bit ARM architecture CPUs on Tsinghua UOS or other LINUX systems, you can download obsidian-1.5.12-arm64.tar.gz, or you can also download Obsidian-1.5.12-arm64.AppImage
- For non-ARM architecture CPUs on LINUX systems, you can download obsidian-1.5.12.asar.gz, or you can also download obsidian-1.5.12.tar.gz
- For Apple systems, you can download Obsidian-1.5.12-universal.dmg
- For general Windows systems, you can download Obsidian.1.5.12-allusers.exe
- For 64-bit ARM architecture CPUs on Windows systems, you can download Obsidian.1.5.12-arm64.exe
- For 32-bit Windows systems, you can download Obsidian.1.5.12-32.exe
If you are unable to install or encounter issues during installation#
- Please leave a message for me