

I can't remember the file name, but this way I can search it instantly...

The Ultimate File Search Tool Revealed: Everything & FSearch's Super Practical Uses in Windows and Kylin OS#

1. Everything in Windows#

1. Lightning-Fast Search Speed#

In Windows, Everything is a true "instant search" tool. By accessing the USN journal of the NTFS file system, it can retrieve millions of files on your computer in milliseconds, astonishingly fast! Whether it's a vast amount of documents, images, or videos, just enter a keyword, and you can instantly find the target file.

2. Powerful Advanced Search Features#

Everything is not just a simple search tool; it also supports advanced search features, such as regular expression matching. You can use complex search syntax to precisely find the files you need. For example, using file:*.txt searches for all text files, and folder:Documents searches for a folder named "Documents." So, all you need to do is enter any character from the file name.

3. Extremely Low Resource Usage#

This software is incredibly small, under 2MB, and consumes almost no system resources while running. It can easily run on older computers without slowing down the system.

4. Practical Integration Features#

You can integrate Everything into the right-click menu of the file explorer, allowing you to call up the search function anytime, anywhere. Additionally, it supports HTTP services, enabling you to share search results with team members via web pages for convenient collaboration.

5. You can also add mobile device indexing and exclude privacy directories.#

Explore it at your own pace.

2. FSearch in Kylin OS#

1. The "Everything" for Linux#

FSearch is a file search tool tailored for Linux systems (such as Kylin OS), inspired by Windows' Everything. It also boasts ultra-fast search speeds, instantly returning search results, allowing you to enjoy lightning-fast searches in Linux.

2. Flexible Search Range Settings#

In Kylin OS, you can configure the search path with FSearch, choosing between global search or searching only specific directories. For example, you can search only the user directory or include the entire system partition in the search range, making it very flexible.

3. Instant Search Experience#

FSearch supports instant search, meaning that as you type in keywords, the search results update in real-time. This instant feedback design allows you to quickly locate the target file, greatly improving search efficiency.

4. Strong Support for Search Syntax#

Similar to Everything, FSearch supports various search syntax. You can narrow down your search by combining keywords, specifying file types (e.g., file:java to search for Java files), or specifying dates (e.g., dc:2024/01/01 to search for files created on January 1, 2024).

3. Installation Method#

  • Windows users: Go to Everything's official website to download and install.

  • Kylin OS users: Open the terminal and enter the following commands to install FSearch:

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:christian-boxdoerfer/fsearch-stable
    sudo apt update && sudo apt install fsearch

Don't hesitate any longer, or you'll have to work overtime!

photo by Brett Jordan(https://unsplash.com/@brett_jordan?utm_source=templater_proxy&utm_medium=referral&fit=crop&mask=corners) on Unsplash

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